Music Ministry
“Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart…” Ephesians 5:19
Our philosophy of music ministry
Singing is modeled and commanded in Scripture and is essential to a Spirit-filled and Word-saturated community of believers (Psalm 33:1-3; Psalm 92:1-4; Ephesians 5:18-19; Colossians 3:16-17). The music ministry of Evangel Baptist Church seeks to glorify God and edify His church by showing forth His beauty and truth in song. Each musician must understand that his/her role in this ministry is not only musical, but spiritual. We will strive not only for musicality and creativity, but, first and foremost, for holy lives that “proclaim the praises of the One who called [us] out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).
If a song contradicts or confuses sound biblical teaching, we won’t sing it in church. We want to sing things that are proclaimed in Scripture and that help form worldview.
Our music should have something to say and say it in an understandable way. We will try to refrain from unnecessarily lofty language as well as sensationalism.
If something is worth singing about, it is worth singing about in an artful and thoughtful way. We want to use the best elements in our context to worship God in song.
Voices on the platform and in the congregation should not be drowned out by instruments. Instrumentalists are encouraged to sing while playing whenever possible.
Music ministry opportunities

Sunday Morning Music Team
Assist the congregational singing in the Sunday morning service by singing or playing your instrument.
Sunday Morning Adult Choir
The Sunday morning adult choir typically sings three seasons: Winter (January through Easter), Spring (Easter through June), and Fall (September through Thanksgiving). The Sunday morning choir serves to assist congregational worship in song, introduce new music, and provide choral selections of sacred music. The choir is not auditioned and all are welcome; however, some ability to read music is encouraged.

Audio Visual Team
The AV Team works alongside the music team to provide sound, lyrics, lighting, and video during the service. Though not often a visible ministry, it is critical to the success of each of our services.