City of Taylor
Evangel Baptist Church is located in the city of Taylor, Michigan. The city of Taylor provides a site for information about the wonderful city we live in.
Lake Ann Camp
Lake Ann Baptist Camp is located on the north-western side of the Lower Peninsula. It provides both our kids and adults many opportunities for fun and challenge each year. Evangel has a camp scholarship program to help students attend Lake Ann.
Camp Barakel
Young people and adults from Evangel also attend camps and retreats at Barakel year around. Evangel has a scholarship program to help students attend Barakel.
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
Evangel Baptist Church is part of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches. This is an association of like-minded churches which offers services to the churches in its membership.
Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches
The Michigan Association of regular Baptist Churches came into existence on a state level in 1942 for the purpose of providing a medium of cooperation and fellowship among independent, fundamental, Baptist Churches of like faith in order to propagate and promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Baptist Mid-Missions
Baptist Mid-Missions is an organization founded in 1920 by a group of independent Baptist churches burdened for the purpose of world evangelism. Since their origin, God has used missionaries sent through Baptist Mid-Missions to evangelize, disciple believers, and plant fundamental Baptist churches the world over.
Evangel Baptist Church hosts its own Awana Clubs each year. It is a ministry that provides children with the opportunity to learn and have fun.
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism is an independent mission agency that exists to serve local churches in the task of sending missionaries around the world. ABWE, with ministries in over 70 countries, services over 5,000 churches and 1,250 missionaries.