Book Wall
We try to regularly choose books to add to our book wall that we believe are worth reading and interacting with. We provide physical copies for perusal, or you can browse them here and follow the link to purchase.

How do we understand salvation by grace alone through faith alone and the call to be holy? This book is a call to holiness in the life of the believer.

Andy Naselli and J. D. Crowley help us toward a biblical understanding of the conscience and how to interact with others on issues involving the conscience.

What in the world is Dispensationalism? This little book is a great introduction to ideas of how to interpret the Bible and its storyline.

A great follow-up to Vlach’s other book, “Dispensationalism,” this little book helps us understand why we should care about the conversation of hermeneutics (overall principles for interpretting the Bible).

Though seemingly normal and routine, the everyday “habits of grace” we cultivate give us access to the God-designed channels through which his love and power flow—including the greatest joy of all: knowing and enjoying Jesus.

Does academia successfully refute conservative Christianity? This book is a series of letters from a father to his daughter to help her navigate issues of faith as they come up in the university setting.

How can we use tech in the home in a wise, God-honoring way? Andy Crouch offers some helpful ideas for building a family culture that puts technology in its proper place.

What should hospitality look like in the life of a believer? How are we called to interact with our neighbors? Rosaria gives convincing testimony of the power of Christian hospitality in her life and that of her church and neighborhood.