God has called his people to assemble together to worship Him, grow together in holiness and while doing so, SERVE HIM IN LOVE. At Evangel we want to make the path to meaningful and fulfilling service easy. Serving God in love will naturally involve serving others because God’s plan involves people. Discovering your God given giftedness often is confirmed while serving. Below is a list of ways in which you are invited to pray about being involved.
In the process of discipleship as we have envisioned it you COME–to the weekly assembly, GROW–though involvement in a small group called a Grow Group or prayer partnership or one-on-one discipleship relationship, and then you SERVE… on a missional team… This may be a team formed out of your grow group involving the people you are praying for and having fellowship with or it may be a place of service somewhere else in the church. Here are some examples:
Children and Youth Ministry:
- Nursery – those who help are not only ministering to infants and toddlers but are aiding families and the entire church body worship God and grow in holiness.
- AWANA ( Wednesday nights)
- Connect with children and listen to them learn God’s word
- Relate spiritual principles and truth
- Help children develop relationships in exciting and meaningful ways
- Demonstrate the love of God
- Belong to a team of bible doers as we build the kingdom of God
- Release Time (monthly)
- Ride the bus to transport children from a local school to attend release time bible classes at Evangel.
- Smile and welcome community children during release time bible studies.
- Sunday School and Children’s Church ministries (Sundays mornings)
Be a teacher or helper on a weekly or monthly rotation. - Want to lead? Openings are available for the training of new leaders.
Youth ministry: (Sundays, Wednesday’s and other times) - Sunday school teachers and of all ages
- Helpers / facilitators of children or youth activities
Clerical and administrative service:
Lead ministry for children as needed during grow groups and other ministries like Guiding Hands Pregnancy Refuge (GHPR)
Outreach and discipleship ministries:
- Invite a new person to your grow group any time
- Assist your grow group, youth, Sunday School, or Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) leader follow up on attendees
- Partner with others to engage our community with the gospel, Got ideas? Let’s talk.
- Participate in a local church planting ministry in Corktown, Detroit, with a local missionary.
- Ladies engage our community by joining a ladies ministry team on Monday nights as part of our Crisis care ministries (GHPR).
- Men partner with men as we build disciples in the Men’s Fraternity grow groups on Monday nights.
- Partner with others who engage our community during Upwards Football practices and games.
Caring and benevolent ministries:
- Get involved in a grow group and find out about caring needs
- Partner with our deacons as they visit and care for the body of Christ
- Find out how you can be involved in caring for needs through our Guiding Hands Pregnancy Refuge (GHPR)
- Participate in helping the homeless
- Become a greeter and share a smile and a word of encouragement
Behind the scenes ministry:
- Care for a flower bed or gather a group of friends to do so.
- Assist in regular tasks with our maintenance team
- Skilled trades, electrical, plumbing, remodeling, labor tasks:
- Tech ministry: Operating a Soundboard, Light board, or Cameras
- Sing or play an instrument? See Pastor Lounsbrough
- Help with youth and children’s music teams
If you cannot decide on where to serve see any Evangel Pastor/ leader for assistance. There is a place for you at Evangel!